Day 5
I/O redirection
To redirect the output of a command to a file
hwclock > [filename]
To redirect the error from a command to a file
hwclok 2> [filename]
To redirect the standard input to a file
cat > [filename] << [eof_string]
blah blah
blah blah
A sample shell script to create a text file with contents
cat > test1 << END
This is the first line
This is the second line
Use of pipe ( | ) symbol
The pipe ( | ) symbol is used to redirect the output of first command as the input of the second.
date | cat > date.out
[! the above command will create the date.out file with the current date as it's content]
Text processing tools
There are many text processing tools in linux, like -
To display top 'n' number of lines in a file
head -n [filename]
To display bottom 'n' number of lines in a file
tail -n [filename]
To search a string in a file
grep [string] [filename]
The definition of sed is System Editor. It is used to find and replace a string in a file.
To search and replace only the first occurrence of the string of every line temporarily
sed 's/old_value/new_value' [filename]
To search and replace all occurrences of the string temporarily
sed 's/old_value/new_value/g' [filename]
To search and replace all occurrences of the string permanently
sed -i 's/old_value/new_value/g' [filename]
To delete a line (say, 3rd line) using sed
sed -i '3d' [filename]
To extract specific field from a text file
cut -d: -f6 [filename]
[! where : is the delimiter and 6 denotes sixth field to extract]
To find the difference between two files
diff [file1] [file2]
To get the statistics of a text file
wc [filename]
[! this will provide the number lines, characters, words that are present in that file]
To sort the contents of a file
sort [filename]
To find a file
find -name "*.txt"
find /home/ -user testuser
[! this command searches all files owned by testuser under /home]
Executing commands with 'find'
- Commands must be preceded with either -exec or -ok (-ok prompts before acting on each file).
- Command must end with ' \;' (a space, a backslash and a semicolon)
- Can use {} as filename placeholder
find -size +100M -exec mv {} /tmp/ \;
[! the above command will search for any file that is >100MB in the current directory and move all those files to /tmp/]
To create a dummy file of size 1GB
dd if = /dev/null of = [target_filename] bs = 100M count = 10
-- End of Day 5 --
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