Friday, July 11, 2014

Road to RHCE - Day 4

Day 4

File Management

There are different ways to create a file -

vim [filename]
touch [filename]
cat > [filename]
[! when using 'cat' command, press Ctrl+D to save. '>>' to append to an existing file]

To create a directory

mkdir [directory_name]

To create multiple files using touch

touch filename{1..10}
[! this option will work with mkdir command as well]

To copy a file

cp [source_file] [target]

To copy a directory

cp -r [source_directory] [target]

To move/rename a file or directory

mv [source] [target]
mv [old_name] [new_name]

To delete a file

rm [filename]

To delete a directory

rmdir [directory_name]

 [! this works only on empty directory]

rm -rf [directory_name]

[! this works even on directory with contents]

--End of Day 4--

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